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Let It Fall Down

Track 8 of 9 on the album April is: "Let It Fall Down." This song is about letting go of things that no longer serve you. Featuring Tara Kannangara on the vocals and trumpet.

Lee Konitz

Back in April while I was writing this album, another great musician passed away. Lee Konitz was a big inspiration of mine and I remember studying his music back at Humber College, together with Luan Phung and Julian Anderson. I am thrilled to have my old friend Chynna Lewis, from Toronto, Canada doing the vocal to this ballad. She is also being backed up by drummer Anthony Fung, out of Los Angeles.

fly away

Fly Away features Bridgey Smalls who recently got married. This song is for her and her husband, who were forced to spend time apart due to border closings. However, after a virtual wedding they now live happily together. This song celebrates their success. Also featuring her old Bellville, Canada friend, and my ex-roomie Ian Wright. Many happy years.

Henry Grimes

We lost a great musician during the month of April, 2020. Henry Grimes, a bass player who, for example played a lot with the great Sunny Rollins. I decided to dedicate this weeks track to him and name it simply: “Henry Grimes.” I thought it was fitting to feature my good friend Julian Anderson-Bowes with a beautiful bass solo in this track. Trying to capture the feeling of this pandemic through out the song/video, as well as giving some of the hope Henry’s musicianship has given us thru the years. RIP

Think of me

Think Of Me, featuring Simon Lingmerth and Anthony Fung is about losing someone close to you. During this pandemic we have lost many people dear to us and I wrote this song to deal with some of the feelings that come with grief. Moreover, many of my musician friends have been out of work during this time and that is why I put this project “APRIL” together. Let´s think about all the people in need and who might have it tougher than us right now.

Normal living

Will we ever go back to a normal living? This weeks track features Ian Wright on the drums. This is a single from my project called “April.” April is a cd created during the 2020 covid-19 lockdown and features in total 15 musicians from 5 different countries. In this album I am exploring some new music styles that I best can describe as Electronic/Jazz.
A single from my album April. This project was all created during the lockdown in 2020 due to the covid-19 pandemic. All the music is dedicated to the people we lost and who suffered during these times.





I am very proud of this new project. I have been working on this music for over 10 years and one of the songs was written on parents old piano when I was 18. 
It is very much a tribute to the great country of Panama, where all my band members come from. Recorded in the heart of Panama City this album will be a historic piece of art representing the isthmus of many cultures.



As a student at The Global Jazz Institute, PJ Andersson created the project: "My Ship." An Exploration in Performance Therapy in affiliation with the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, MA. Tours for individuals with different disabilities were organized and took part in a musical experience through the museum, where music gave new life to the art.



These four songs are from my first experience leading a band through an EP recording in Toronto, Canada, 2013. Being part of the pre and post production taught me many invaluable lessons. 

Since the Recording, I have now performed the song "Definition" in 3 countries. To see not only my own growth but also my compositions is very motivating. I want to thank Liam Mitro, Mathew Chalmers and Julian Anderson Bowes for this old pearl.  


Time is Contagious is a live album recorded in Toronto, Canada 2013. Featuring PJ's Swedish heritage fused with influences from his time in America. â€‹

Andy Hunter, “PJ Andersson and his ensemble create elegant acoustic environments in his work, “Time is Contagious.” The arrangements have a very nice pace of organic development to them, with large musical gestures growing in density over patient rhythmic ostinati. It’s clear that great care was taken in the preparation of this music.”

Time is Contagious


The SymphoNYChorus is a Christian, faith-based premiere choir and orchestra committed to the performance, promotion, and expansion of choral singing as an art form, providing artistic, social and spiritual support for its members and educating, enriching and inspiring audiences throughout New York City and the world. 


All compositions by Andrew McAnsh except the Utopia Suite which was a collaboration between Andrew McAnsh and P.J Andersson.


Its liner notes, song titles, and cover art liberally peppered with references to Japanese culture and Zen Buddhism, Andrew McAnsh's debut recording, Illustrations was inspired by the young trumpeter / composer's journeys through the Land of the Rising Sun. However, McAnsh's original compositions—far from displaying any direct influences of Japanese ethnic music—are relentlessly hard-hitting modern jazz inventions along the lines of recent offerings by fellow trumpeters John Blevins and Ron Miles and Dave Douglas. Like Blevins, McAnsh works with a large-ish ensemble sporting a beefy front line of trumpet, trombone, tenor saxophone and—on several pieces— wordless vocals. Resolutely acoustic and infused with challenging cutting-edge modern jazz moves, Illustrations eschews the big band jazz-funk sound of similarly-outfitted youthful collectives such as Snarky Puppy and Lettuce. While there's not much in the way of funky fusion on Illustrations, there's absolutely no shortage of energy or invention and only an occasional coup de chapeau to more traditional Blue Note-affiliated sorts of sounds.  - Dave Wayne

Mara & the marigold's


June 2013 marks the release of Mara & The Marigold's self-titled EP. The highly anticipated debut EP features the group's lyrically driven and melodically compelling songwriting, as well as rich texture and color, creating a truly eclectic sound. From beginning to end, Mara & The Marigold EP leaves the listener with the feeling of both familiarity and newness. 

Mara & The Marigold is 
Mara Nesrallah – vocals, piano, Wurlitzer, acoustic guitar 
Wesley Allen – upright bass, electric bass 
Ian Culley – electric guitar 
Ian Wright – drums, auxiliary percussion


Guest musicians 
Michael Boyd – drums (track 3) 
Jill Harris – background vocals (tracks 1, 3) 
PJ Andersson – trombone (tracks 2, 5) 
Ania Zarzycki – flugelhorn (track 5) 
Murray Heaton – baritone saxophone (track 5) 

Andrew McAnsh

sextet live

Recorded live at the Jazz Room in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, on April 18, 2014. 

We were very proud and happy to launch “Andrew McAnsh Sextet Live at the Jazz Room,” our new label’s first album, back in April.  The performance, recorded live at the Jazz Room in April 2014, showcases the brilliant performing and composition abilities of some of Canada’s finest musicians in the Andrew McAnsh Sextet.  Copies of the limited-run CD are still available at the Jazz Room at our regular Friday and Saturday season shows.

Andrew McAnsh: trumpet, flugelhorn 
Jeff LaRochelle: tenor saxophone 
PJ Andersson: trombone 
Paul Morrison: piano 
Søren Nissen: bass 
Ian Wright: drums

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