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PJ shop

An 8 trombone arrangement I wrote of the old classic,

Just A Closer Walk With Thee.

Grab the play along and PDF and send me your version.

A 6 trombone arrangement I wrote of the old classic, Sunny Side of the Street. It was a pleasure collaborating with Vitaly Estirn, from Israel on the Bass trombone and Jared Goldman, from Canada on the drums.



Best submission will get a song written, recorded and released tailored to his/her sound. It doesn’t matter what instrument, you just have to like the track. Grab the sheet music and

go and record.

*Last submission July 1st 2020

Work sheets

This arrangement is made to give students of the trombone practice in reading rhythms in 4/4 and keeping independence between parts. As well as tuning in a more difficult key than most other jazz trombone arrangemets.


For a long time I have wanted to create a project like this. I grew up listening to very heavy music and my passion for it has never left me. However, I have never been a big fan of the messages the bands in the “Death core” genre has. While it can be nice to release some frustrations through some angry music, I believe that the music effects you on a deeper subconscious level. I created this album to reach some of you who might feel similarly to me but need to hear this different message. 

It is basically a story of life on a deserted island, where all problems of living take place. From dealing with depression and meaning, to finding food, and corona virus. We all have demons we need to defeat, and I hope this musical journey can help you on your way.

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